Patient Testimonials

Still unsure if our treatments are right for you? See what other patients are saying about their experience with our practice.  You just might be next for posting a testimonial...

10 year old boy is freed from behavioral disorder by NAET

"My son, John (age 10), is a very meticulous little boy. Always neat and tidy. Things put in their spots, not liking anything moved or touched. He is also this way in school. He likes his desk spotless and organized.
He started getting really upset or troubled by how other kids act in school. Whether they were using a pencil when they were supposed to be using a pen. Or using crayons when they were suppose to use markers. Not focusing on school work but worrying about other things around him that didn't involve him directly." 

Read more here

Psoriasis Fixed with NAET!

A friend of mine told me a story of how he had Psoriasis for many years.  He went to doctor after doctor and they prescribed creams and oitments, pills and nothing worked.  He was so distraught that he was suicidal!  He heard about Dr. Johnson and NAET Therapy.  He had nothing to lose.  After some simple tests, he was indicated to have reactions to some foods.  He was told to cut them out and see how he does in the next two weeks.  His rashes went away!!!  He is clear to this day.  He is a good friend of mine and swears by "Dr.J"



Astonishing NAETS

"I've been under Dr. Johnson's care for about three years now. Naets; nutritional; chiropractic; pain elimination. In my life experiences, I've been allergic to almost everything. Recently, I had cataract eye surgery. Knowing my history, I asked for all of the meds that their facility would use so I could have Dr. Johnson muscle test me for possible allergies. I was given a list of meds to be used. Dr. Johnson found one allergen that I needed a naet treatment on.  Of course, eye surgery and I had an allergic reaction to something. Dr. Johnson, of Johnson Chiropractic Center being the caring doctor that he is, called twice and worked with the office manager at attempting to discover this unknown allergen or allergens. It turns out..."  Read the rest here



Eternally Grateful

for Johnson Chiropractic Center and Dr. Gary Johnson .
"Thank you, Dr Johnson and that brilliant, relentless mind of yours!"  Gail H.

Need an Appointment?

Give us a call at: 586-254-2995



(Note that these can change depending on Dr. J's seminar schedule)

Mon., Tues. 9am - 6pm

Wed., Fri. 9am - 5pm

Sat. By Appointment


Contact Details

Johnson Chiropractic Center

47197 Van Dyke Ave

Utica,  48317

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